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SeaSailSurfer of the month

SeaSailSurfer of November 2009 : Tanguy de Lamotte

Winner of the Solidaire du Chocolat

mercredi 2 décembre 2009Christophe Guigueno

Toutes les versions de cet article : [English] [français]

Tanguy de Lamotte belongs to those who believed in Class40 Class40 #Class40 from the beginning. He is rewarded for his efforts since he won, with Adrien Hardy, the first edition of the Solidaire du Chocolat Solidaire du Chocolat #solidaireduchocolat .

SeaSailSurfer of September 2009 : Francisco Lobato

The winner of leg 1 and second overall of Transat 650 : September was rich in events. PYM and Benoit achieved their crossing from New York to Lorient Lorient L’actualité du port de Lorient et de sa région. , the 60 feet fleet joined Brest Brest #brest from Istanbul, Class 40 covered 1000 miles, Multi 50 launched three new boats… as for the man the month, he illustrated himself on Charente Maritime Bahia Transat 650.

His double victory of both legs in Les Sables - the Azores in 2008 had impressed everybody. But “the protos were not ready” they said… The “level was not high”… However, Francisco Lobato nerly did the same in the leg 1 of the Transat The Transat #thetransat #ostar 650 as he finished second and dominated the race leading the leg at the helm of his Pogo2, a one-designed mini.

This time, there are still excuses : “the skippers of proto slowed down not to break”, “they awaited the 2nd stage to accelerate”, “the sea was strong and prevented the protos from going quicker than the series”, etc. If most were true indeed, everyone admits that the Portuguese was the best skipper from La Rochelle to Madeira.

Francisco Lobato is the man of September 2009. He was also SeaSailSurfer of the year 2008. Going for a double win ?


SeaSailSurf barometer of september 2009

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