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Barcelona World Race : Jorg Riechers and Sebastien Audigane take sixth place

Thursday 16 April 2015Redaction SSS [Source RP]

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Jorg Riechers (GER) and Sebastien Audigane (FRA) brought their Barcelona World Race Barcelona World Race #barcelonaworldrace to an end today (Thursday) when they sailed Renault Captur across the finish line off the Catalan capital’s landmark W-Hotel at 11:35:22hrs UTC to take sixth place. The German-French duo complete the 23,321 miles theoretical course in 105 days 23 hours 35 minutes and 22 seconds.

Renault Captur finishes 21d 17h 44m 22s behind the Barcelona World Race Barcelona World Race #barcelonaworldrace winners Cheminées Poujoulat, Bernard Stamm and Jean Le Cam, and 6d 20h 28m 54s after the fifth positioned Bruno and Willy Garcia on We Are Water. Renault Captur’s average speed Speed #speedsailing for the theoretical course is 9.17kts but in reality Riechers and Audigane sailed 29,701.24 miles on the water at an actual average speed Speed #speedsailing of 11,68 knots.

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