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Solo records

Coville wants to beat Joyon and MacArthur

Thomas Coville in the single-handed round the world multihull adventure

mardi 30 mai 2006Redaction SSS [Source RP]

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“I love the ocean, both single-handed and in a multihull, and I love the liberty associated with it” explained Thomas Coville, one of today’s most eclectic and experienced skippers of his generation. During a press conference held in Paris this morning, SODEB’O announced the launch in 2007 of a new trimaran geared for record Record #sailingrecord breaking. Designed by Nigel Irens and Benoît Cabaret, and built in Sydney, this future boat propels SODEB’O, Thomas and his team towards one of the most committed challenges of our time : the solo round the world record Record #sailingrecord on a multihull.

A year ago SODEB’O and Thomas geared their 60’ trimaran programme towards single-handed ocean sailing, adventure and records, whilst participating in the greatest ocean races. Following serious damage in the Transat Jacques Vabre Transat Jacques Vabre #TJV2015 , the trimaran SODEB’O will be relaunched in June, after five months in the yard. Two new port beam sections have been grafted to those parts still intact and the new float, reinforced by an additional bulkhead, is currently being assembled. “Rebuilding has been a long, gruelling process. Everyone has shown great powers of physical and psychological stamina” confides the skipper, who will be on the hunt for new records this summer in preparation for the Route du Rhum Route du Rhum #RouteDuRhum 2006. “I am preparing for this race in the same way as an athlete or a cyclist who trains throughout the year for a single event. I’ve been following an intense preparation this winter, the boat has been rebuilt with this in mind and we are adapting our sailing programme according to this objective”. Thomas will tackle the SNSM (RNLI equivalent) record Record #sailingrecord on 18th June, prior to taking up three solo challenges : the Round Britain and Ireland, the Channel crossing and the 24 hour record Record #sailingrecord (beaten on 19th April 2006 by Yves Parlier with 587 miles).

SODEB’O shares Thomas’ vision of modern sailing as a mix of emotion, adventure and sporting challenges. “We have opted to continue in the adventure with Thomas Coville who will sail a new multihull in 2007, designed for solo records and the round the world record in particular. This new boat is also set to participate in other races which are currently under discussion” announced Patricia Brochard this morning as Co-President of the group, a leader in the fresh pizza and sandwich market distributed in supermarkets. “This record that only Francis Joyon and Ellen MacArthur have managed to complete without stopovers in a multihull is a simple concept that is easily understood by the public, accompanied by a history as rich as it is fascinating to tell” she added.

The record has belonged to Ellen MacArthur since February 2005, with a time of 71 days and 14 hours, and Thomas and his team have chosen the fathers of B&Q/Castorama to design the new SODEB’O. “I strongly believe in the complimentary qualities of these two personalities, between the technical approach of Benoît Cabaret and the pure creativity of Nigel Irens” he explains, adding “I want a simple, powerful boat that also remains a machine that can be controlled by a single man. The form is not yet fixed but it will measure between 95 and 105 feet (between 28 and 32 metres ; Ellen’s measured 22.50m) and will have an X structure for increased stiffness.” The Boat Speed yard, near Sydney, has been retained for construction of the new SODEB’O which began mid-May and will be completed in June 2007 : “Besides the question of cost and flexible construction methods, it should be highlighted that Nigel and Benoît know this yard well through having worked there on the construction of Ellen’s boat” explains the skipper.

“This round the world concept is something completely new for us. The round the world record on a multihull is also the ultimate adventure, one of the last great epics. Imagine that since the dawn of time, just one man and one woman have succeeded in doing it without stopovers. A few years ago the challenge consisted of crossing the Atlantic, while now it is a massive sprint around the planet. For me, the fact that SODEB’O, a local Vendée enterprise, is committed to this challenge is synonymous with its remarkable openness and dynamism” continues Thomas Coville who has been sailing with this same partner since 1999.

Voir en ligne : Info Presse Sodéb’o Voile /


With stopovers
- 1972 - Alain Colas - Manureva - 169 jours
- 1987 - Philippe Monnet - Kriter - 129 jours
- 1988 - Olivier de Kersauzon - Un autre regard - 125 jours

Without stopovers
- 2004 - Francis Joyon - Idec - 72 jours et 22 heures
- 2005 - Ellen MacArthur - B&Q/Castorama - 71 jours et 14 heures

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