Sea, Sail & Surf news

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SeaSailSurfer of the month

SeaSailSurfer of November 2009 : Tanguy de Lamotte

Winner of the Solidaire du Chocolat

mercredi 2 décembre 2009Christophe Guigueno

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Tanguy de Lamotte belongs to those who believed in Class40 Class40 #Class40 from the beginning. He is rewarded for his efforts since he won, with Adrien Hardy, the first edition of the Solidaire du Chocolat Solidaire du Chocolat #solidaireduchocolat .

SeaSailSurfer of April 2009 : Gildas Morvan

Winner of the solo Transat BPE. One do not remember than Gildas Morvan, the giant skipper of the Figaro circuit is also a match-racer. He has competed with Bertrand Pacé, was 7th in the world rakings in 1994 and took part in the America’s Cup in Marc Pajot’s crew. By winning the Transat BPE , he is the SeaSailSurfer of the month.

« My experience with Marc Pajot for the America’s Cup and in the Soling class helped me a lot. I kew the race would finish in a close neck. And I had this plus against the others… And this was helpfull in the close final match with Erwan. I knew what I had to do to control him, I was not lost… It helped me a lot, for sure » saif Gildas after his arriving in Marie-Galante.

Finaly, the Breton skipper takes the win for 4 minutes and 4 seconds. So bad for Erwan Tabarly who looks for a great win.

SeaSailsurf barometer of the month

Going Up
:-)) :-)) :-)) Torben GRAEL Winner of Rio – Boston in the Volvo Ocean Race and leader of the race.
:-)) :-)) Patrick HOYAU Bouvet Rame Guyane’s winner.
:-)) PADDLE GIRLS Stéphanie Geyer-Barneix, Alexandra Lux and Flora Manciet crossed the bay of Biscay on their paddle board.
Going Down
:-(( Eric DROUGLAZET A new abandon in the BPE race.
:-(( :-(( SPI OUEST Spi Ouest #SpiOuest 405 crews instead of 500… It is the crisis.
:-(( :-(( :-(( Erwan TABARLY Beaten by less than 5 minutes in the solo transtlantic.

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