Sea, Sail & Surf news

Du grand large à la plage : L’actualité des sports de glisse depuis 2000

SeaSailSurfer of the month

SeaSailSurfer of November 2009 : Tanguy de Lamotte

Winner of the Solidaire du Chocolat

mercredi 2 décembre 2009Christophe Guigueno

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Tanguy de Lamotte belongs to those who believed in Class40 Class40 #Class40 from the beginning. He is rewarded for his efforts since he won, with Adrien Hardy, the first edition of the Solidaire du Chocolat Solidaire du Chocolat #solidaireduchocolat .

SeaSailSurfer of February 2009 : Michel Desjoyeaux

Double winner of the Vendée Globe. No surprise. The SeaSailSurfer of the no one else than Michel Desjoyeaux, aka « the Professor ». Foncia’ skipper has dominated the race around the world and becomes the first one to win twice the Vendée Globe.

The generation of this first decade of the XXIth century will be the Desjoyeaux generation as the Breton sailor form Port-La-Forêt has won every single-handed race from La Solitaire du Figaro to the Route du Rhum Route du Rhum #RouteDuRhum .

In the previous generation, two men had won two solo round the world race. Philippe Jeantot and Christophe Auguin had won the BOC Challenge (actual Around Alone). But these round the world races had few stop-overs when the Vendée Globe is non-stop. Auguin himself did won three round the world races as he also won the Vendée Globe in 1995-1996.

For the 2000 generation, Desjoyeaux will be the lightroom and he is the SeaSailSurfer of February.

Photo ThMartinez/Sea&Co /

SeaSailsurf barometer of the month

Going Up
:-)) :-)) :-)) Armel Le Cléac’h The Jackal made a discret race but came back to Les Sables d’Olonne in second place.
:-)) :-)) Sam Davies Arrived 3rd, Classified 4th. Great race for the Brit skipper. An example.
:-)) Bruno Troublé He made live again, for a while, the Cup in New Zealand.
Going Down
:-(( Loïck Peyron Gitana 80 sold, he has left the Rothschild’s team.
:-(( :-(( Russell Coutts The Kiwi lost his final against Baird and Alinghi…
:-(( :-(( :-(( Roland Jourdain Bilou is the big looser of the race. Second, he has to stop in the Azores with no keel left.

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